NHRC and GSIC Collaborate for Sensitization on Caste System in Basse

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of The Gambia has teamed up with the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) to organize a sensitization event focused on addressing the issue of the caste system in the country. Held in Basse, this collaborative effort aims to raise awareness, promote dialogue, and foster positive change regarding this sensitive topic.

The event, organized as part of ongoing efforts to address social injustices and promote human rights, underscores the commitment of both organizations to eradicating harmful practices and fostering an inclusive society. Basse, a region where the caste system has been prevalent, serves as a significant setting for these conversations.

Representatives from the NHRC and GSIC, alongside local leaders, scholars, and community members, gathered to engage in constructive discussions about the implications of the caste system on individuals and the broader society. The goal was to challenge preconceived notions, promote understanding, and facilitate a collaborative approach to dismantling discriminatory practices.

Sheikh Omar A. Bojang, one of the representatives of the GSIC at the event, expressed the council’s dedication to fostering social harmony and unity within the Islamic community and the nation as a whole. He emphasized the importance of education and dialogue in addressing deeply entrenched beliefs and practices.

The NHRC highlighted the importance of respecting the dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of their caste or social background. The commission’s involvement signifies its commitment to promoting human rights and addressing systemic discrimination in The Gambia.

Community members and attendees actively participated in the sensitization event, sharing personal experiences, concerns, and ideas for creating a more inclusive society. The discussions centered on building bridges, dispelling myths, and acknowledging the value and potential of every individual, irrespective of their caste.

As the event concluded, participants expressed gratitude for the collaborative effort between the NHRC and GSIC in addressing a long-standing issue that has affected lives and relationships within Gambian communities. The sensitization event served as a stepping stone toward greater awareness, understanding, and unity, demonstrating the power of partnership in promoting positive social change.

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