GSIC Presents Position Paper to Constitutional Review Commission

The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) has submitted a bold and assertive position paper to the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC), challenging the characterization of The Gambia as a secular state. The council’s position paper advocates for the explicit recognition of both Islam and Christianity in the country’s constitution.

Refuting the secular state model, the GSIC’s position asserts that The Gambia is recognized as a nation that embraces and respects its religious diversity, particularly the dominant faiths of Islam and Christianity. The council’s submission argues that the acknowledgement of these religions in the constitution reflects the cultural and historical fabric of the nation.

The GSIC contends that by recognizing Islam and Christianity in the constitution, The Gambia can establish a framework that honours the beliefs of its citizens while promoting coexistence and mutual respect among religious communities. The council highlights the rich history of religious pluralism in the country and suggests that constitutional recognition of these faiths can contribute to a sense of unity and inclusivity.

The submission further emphasizes that acknowledging the noninclusion of the word “Secular State’ in the constitution would provide a legal basis for the protection of religious rights and practices. The GSIC argues that this recognition would solidify the status of religious institutions and their contributions to national development, education, and social welfare.

The Constitutional Review Commission, in response, acknowledged the GSIC’s position as a significant contribution to the ongoing discussions. While the CRC is tasked with considering various perspectives in the constitutional review process, the GSIC’s stance raises pertinent questions about the balance between secularism and religious recognition in the governance framework.

The GSIC’s position paper has sparked debates and discussions across the nation, with citizens, religious leaders, and legal experts expressing diverse viewpoints on the matter. The council’s submission serves as a catalyst for conversations about the role of religion in the state’s identity and the implications of recognizing specific faiths in the constitution.

As the CRC continues to deliberate and engage with stakeholders, the GSIC’s position paper will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the final version of The Gambia’s constitution. The council’s stance challenges traditional notions of secularism and underscores the importance of addressing religious identity and diversity in the nation’s governance framework.

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