GSIC Collaborates with Bureau of Women’s Affairs to Address Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Concerns

In a significant effort to tackle a pressing issue, regional members of the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) convened with the Bureau of Women’s Affairs in Bwiam, Foni District, to discuss and address concerns related to female genital mutilation (FGM).

The meeting, which brought together religious leaders and representatives from the Bureau of Women’s Affairs, focused on fostering understanding, raising awareness, and finding collaborative solutions to eliminate the practice of FGM in the region. The joint effort was an acknowledgement of the importance of involving religious and community leaders in discussions about sensitive matters that impact the lives of women and girls.

Regional members of the GSIC expressed their commitment to ensuring the well-being of women and girls, emphasizing the importance of education and advocacy in eradicating harmful traditional practices. They acknowledged the need to strike a balance between cultural traditions and the fundamental rights and health of individuals.

The Bureau of Women’s Affairs shared information about the physical and psychological consequences of FGM, highlighting the importance of dispelling myths and misinformation surrounding the practice. Collaborative discussions centred on ways to promote alternative rites of passage that celebrate womanhood without causing harm.

Both parties recognized the significance of their collaboration in raising awareness and promoting education about the consequences of FGM within their communities. They discussed strategies for engaging with community members, including religious teachings that underscore the importance of protecting the physical and emotional well-being of girls and women.

The meeting concluded with a mutual agreement to continue working closely on initiatives aimed at ending FGM in the region. This included the development of educational programs, awareness campaigns, and community dialogues to address misconceptions and foster open conversations about cultural practices that may negatively affect women and girls.

The collaborative effort between the GSIC and the Bureau of Women’s Affairs represented a positive step towards addressing a sensitive issue that affects many women and girls in the region. By bringing together religious leadership and governmental agencies, the meeting showcased the power of partnership in driving meaningful change and protecting the rights and dignity of individuals within Gambian society.

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